Friday, June 20, 2008

First Communion

First Day of School

I do remember this. It was very exciting to discover there was a world of people out there...the same size as me! I can't remember if I hated the dress or not. It looks good in the picture, that nostalgia and all. I do remember those damn braids -- yank, pull, twist.

My kindergarten teacher was Miss Grems. My memories from that year:
  1. naptime
  2. snacktime
  3. being pissed that most kids could read the name "Michael" written on the chalkboard." My quiet defensiveness carried with me. Even my 5 year old self muttered, "I would be able to read if someone taught me."
  4. my finger being pinched when I tried to use the heavy wooden ride-on automobile. I guess there were no safety standards then.
  5. a turtle; it was little and cute but I really didn't want to pick it up or anything. My cat Neptune at home was good for that.

This is Me

I'm about two years old and I don't remember this moment. I am sure of that because I would have had a visceral memory of hating being in that dress. The dress is beautiful and I think 25 years later, my two-year old daughter wore it often, even to just play outside. She played hard and pretty but not me. I played hard and plain. Being the 5th of 6 children, and not in anyway like the Brady Bunch, I was lost in the shuffle. This turned out to be a blessing...being ignored allowed my soul to coast through the formation years without many direct hits. I guess I was observing The Way Things Work. Suffice to say, about 44 years would not consider me lost in the shuffle. I am a shuffler of sorts, trying to create moments and connections for all of us.